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I am told that in one’s career you come across one or perhaps two (if you’re lucky enough) role models or exemplars who have a profound impact on your professional path. For me, Grazia Vittadini is one of these rare gems.

Not only is she fiercely guided by principle, but she is one of those few leaders bold enough to admit when she doesn’t know something. By genuinely trusting the expertise of those who work for her, and being generous with her time, she encourages an environment of openness which cultivates imagination, authenticity, and tons of fun!

Being your comms advisor is nothing short of a great privilege. You are a cerebral force and an utter rockstar, and I hope one day to be half the inspiration you are to so many (and half as graceful sauntering into a boardroom in 5-inch Louboutins).

– Lindsy Caballero