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Dear Grazia,

We first met shortly after you joined Airbus, both passionately working on the A380. I was Head of A380 MAP and threw you out of a working party as there wasn’t enough time to modify the High Lift system which of course you accepted with good grace!

You have always been a model for what leadership in Airbus should be. You are passionate about the success of our company and you have always remained true to yourself, your values and principles. You have been an inspiration to a generation of people in Airbus and will remain so even after your departure.

You have been a great boss even during the most difficult times. I still remember when you called me on a Tuesday evening in Turin to ask if I would be interested in taking over Acubed – the only catch being you needed an answer by Friday! Thank you.

Stay true to yourself and continue to speak up for what you believe in! Au revoir but not Goodbye.

– Mark