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I think that everyone who met you had this thought, Grazia – and you truly are this, a rare pearl.

When authenticity encounters grace you get a true leader that people are inspired by and aspire to. I don’t know how many times people asked me if what they saw in a video was the real Grazia. And they would know that it is the case if they met you, a force of nature who is not afraid to show her emotions.

You have risen from the very bottom to the very top simply staying true to yourself, keeping the same curiosity of the little Grazia, and combining it with the determination of a grown badass woman. What a breath of fresh air you are and what an inspiration for all of us.

You are so passionate about what you do, and so enthusiastic about sharing it with the world. I know you will continue doing great things outside of Airbus. It’s time to leave your nest and fly with your strong wings, powered by your charisma and curiosity, and lifted by the love and admiration we have for you!

We already miss you, but the world needs you!

– La tua Manu