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Dear Grazia,

It feels a bit sad now looking back on the years where you contributed to bringing UAM to life. Be it initially through the Steering Committee, then the AUM board, the many CTO forums, or just through inspiring exchanges that always gave us the extra push and motivation to press ahead with the topic. Time will tell what Airbus and the industry will be able to make out of UAM, but we would not be where we are today without you. A big thank you for all that!

But above all, we as the UAM team felt very warmly welcome in your organisation and we could experience first hand what inclusivity, diversity, humanity, vision, and leadership means. It will always help me calibrate my own behaviour and sometimes I find myself asking: “what would Grazia have done in this situation”.

I wish you all the best for your future endeavours, hoping (a bit egoistically) that you stay in the aerospace industry. And I am looking forward to learning what new challenges you will take on and where you will bring in your unique skills to make a difference as you did with us. And hopefully we’ll meet again, and be it just in a running exercise like back in the days in the B80 hallway.

