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I first heard about Grazia years before I had the pleasure and privilege to join Airbus – due to my fascination with A380 programme.

And then I finally joined.

Her enthusiasm, knowledge, charisma – not to mention modesty and humility – and… not sure how to explain this… Sometimes (rarely) you meet people who radiate something special. Something beyond what “charisma” or “leadership” stand for. This rare kind of energy that makes you believe that anything – anything – is possible. There are no limits and no bounds. And then brings it yet further – to the point where you no longer simply believe, but are SURE that anything, indeed, is possible. For you, for anyone. And also actually creates new paths, opens new horizons to actually prove it.

It’s inspiring, it’s infectious, and it stays with you. Encourages and pushes you to always go forward, strive and persevere, never loose faith, never stop. To become a better person. It helps you through the tough moments and times. I know it’s true for me.

And the beautiful thing is: while Grazia is flying beyond Airbus family nest (pardon the pun) – it honestly doesn’t feel like she is leaving. Her legacy is to stay, she most definitely will reach further heights in whatever goals she chooses to pursues, she will continue to inspire. And she will always be within reach if you reach out.

It may sound like a bit of a paradox. But that’s Grazia.

With very best and from the heart,