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Dear Grazia,

well, how to start with? I am fully aware that this is likely to be the most stupid sentence a lawyer can start a text with but given that Airbus is loosing one of its most charismatic leaders, words do not come easy.

It was a privilege, an honor and great fun to work with you over the last three years. I always felt your full support and trust in what my team and I were doing, simply a perfect client-advisor relationship. We will miss you very much.

You truly inspired me as a leader and the way you are. I learned much more from you about modern leadership than from any other Airbus manager I have worked with. Transparency, authenticity, and always having an open ear to listen to people – You do this perfectly, one can feel this is natural and comes from your heart.

I wish you the very best for your life after Airbus. Importantly, this is not a goodbye message but an “arrividerci”! I very much hope that our paths will cross again.

All the best to you und auf ein hoffentlich ganz baldiges Wiedersehen in München! Vielen Dank für alles, und insbesondere für die persönliche Unterstützung, die ich von Dir erfahren habe.
