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What can I say? You are without a doubt one of the most talented, humane, engaging and inspiring leaders I have come across in my lifetime.

You have touched my life and the lives of many other special individuals I know and hold dear in an unforgettable way.

You have finally showed us a way for women to harness their real power to lead in a positive, inclusive way, and have achieved something so huge by doing this—you’ve given us all an authentic, living, breathing role model.

And as if that weren’t already enough, you’ve also lived in Texas!

They say Texans have instilled in their system a mindset of no retreat and no surrender. While you may not have been born there, you still managed to pick up that fiery, independent spirit (or perhaps it’s simply the Italian forza coming through!).

So from one Texan to an honorary one, keep on being larger than life. The world desperately needs more shining stars like you.

– Paige